Every Friday, Marie of Cpaphil Vintage Postcard hosts a Postcard Friendship. If you think that you might like to join in, head on over to her blog and sign up.
With Mother's Day just around the corner, I thought I should post a card depicting motherly love......something that speaks to the heart.
But try as I might, I could not find such a postcard.
I did however find this french postcard.
Promise me that it is only I that you adore
The girl in the photo looks as though she is giving it some thought......a great deal of thought. Maybe too much thought. Might she be in a trance? She neither looks at him or the flowers; just a blank stare at nothing. Or is it something.....or someone? She does seam to be smiling.....just a tad. Might she have spotted someone off in the distance, out of our view? Might this other someone be another lover? Or, maybe it's just a gas bubble.....
The Theme for the Month of May is FISH
May you have a most beautiful day.