Everything in moderation. . .
my dear grandmother always said
It was good sound advise that echoed through my childhood home. My parents lived it. Their parents lived it. I am certain generations before, lived it. And through their actions, their lifestyle and their behavior, it was ingrained upon my sisters and I. Anything in excess is sure to bring unwanted consequences.
Sweets are dandy, but too much will only result (in the least) in an upset stomach.
It's alright to unwind with a class of wine or a good stiff drink, maybe a drink or two when out dining or at a party, and most celebrations just don't feel complete without that special toast. But, too much alcohol can result in unforeseen and sometimes disastrous situations.
That expensive car, the enormous house and that huge diamond ring are all so very nice, but they also draw much unwanted attention. And, if you haven't the means to pay for and maintain them, if you've bought them on credit, they can be a big bad burden.
Simplicity and the appreciation of when I have (had) enough are key to my keeping everything in moderation.
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Have a beautiful day